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US Employers Should Continue to Use Existing Form I-9

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US Employers Should Continue to Use Existing Form I-9

August 14, 2012 | Tags: USCIS | ice | i-9

On August 13, 2012 the USCIS announced that U.S. employers should continue to use the existing Form I-9, even beyond its expiration date of August 31, 2012.

In March, the USCIS proposed changes to the Form I-9 and provided a two month public comment period. The USCIS has not completed its review of the comments and will provide updates regarding the new form and its release date as this information becomes available. The new form, which will replace the current version dated August 7, 2009, will likely contain several significant changes. Employers should anticipate the need to train HR staff on how to complete the new form, and a possible increase of I-9 audits conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).US Employers Should Continue to Use Existing Form I-9

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